Information on Sunset Hills Missouri

Sunset Hills is a very unique place in the state of Missouri. There are a lot of things that make it unique, including its geographical location and population. If you want to find out more about Sunset Hills and about all of the fascinating things that you can do in this town, here is a guide for you.

Population: There are some 7,000 people living in this community. The median income for homeowners in the area is around forty thousand dollars a year. This is about the same as the national average and much higher than the average income for a typical community in the state.

Physical Facilities: The community features a number of different types of recreational facilities. There are golf courses, campgrounds, and tennis courts that residents can use. There is also a nature preserve where residents can walk their dogs, play volleyball, and enjoy the beautiful scenery that surrounds the community.

Socioeconomic Status: It should be noted that Sunset Hills is a middle class community. While there are many individuals who live in the community on a very low budget, the overall socioeconomic status is moderate. Residents here have slightly less income than the national average. In fact, it is similar to the median income of the average suburban community.

Population Demographics: Sunset Hills has a diverse population. Of the seven hundred households in the community, four hundred of them are occupied by minorities, and forty of them are occupied by families who are members of one or more racial or ethnic groups.

Population by Class: These statistics show that the majority of the residents in the community are of the middle class. Of the two hundred and fifty residents who have incomes that fall within the top one percent of all households, there are only three.

Homeownership Rate: Of the two hundred and fifty homeowners in the community, ninety-two percent are in the first two classes. Twenty-eight percent of the residents in the community own their homes outright. Twenty-seven percent of the residents are renters.

Median Age: The median age of the residents in the community is fifty-five years old. The average age of the resident population is forty-four years old. Many of the people who live in the community have been in the community for thirty-five years or more.

Age Distribution: There are five hundred people living in the community. Of these, seventy-five percent are people who are over the age of eighteen, and twenty-three percent are people who are over the age of sixty-four.

Demographic Breakdown: Of the two hundred and fifty residents in the community, approximately half are immigrants and most of them were born in another country. Other countries of origin include India, the Philippines, Cuba, and Jamaica.

Distribution of Income and Average Age: Of the 23 percent of the residents who are between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-four, twelve percent have incomes of at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Of these residents, nine percent have incomes of at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Of the nineteen percent of the residents who are between the ages of twenty-five and forty-four, five percent have incomes of at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

This information comes from the US Census Bureau and was gathered from the Missouri Department of Revenue. The information is based on the 2020 data and is subject to change.